
New Russian Smoking Law

Not long ago one of my good friends in science told me that in order to accomplish what I have planned in changing smoking laws and smoking culture I will have to convince some top dogs around that they can make or save a big money on that. Today we can witness how the top authorities in Russia have calculated an astronomic figure they can save if their best professionals would not die from smoking in the most productive age.

What are they planning? Basically they are pressing people into smoking rooms. If they are not able to provide a smoking room, they give a nicotine pill to smokers not to smoke right now. As an example of this they use trains they ride for many hours or even days non stop.

Another big thing in their new smoking law is to make smoking invisible on TV and other media. And on the other hand they will make the smoking aftermath very graphic on the cigarette packs.

What can I say on the negative side about Russian smoking reforms? I would say that they are going halfway. Russian current government feels weak and would not interfere into domestic smoking violence because they say that people own the territory of their apartments and balconies and can do anything they want there.


How Can We Nicely Help Most People Drop Smoking?

Let me first state human right for having bad habits. My main idea was to make non-smokers happy and at the same time make a good way for smokers keep their habit. Let us go on to consider how we can help those smokers who want to drop smoking and also how is it possible to cause most smokers want to drop smoking.

This fact that smoking habit is purely chemical is known by most medical doctors. There are simple ways to regain the normal level of acid-base balance. If we can produce a very cheap medication and give it to everyone who agrees to take it, then our only task will be to convince people to go ahead.

By the way, do you know what an iPad is? Do you remember how it was first marketed? That was something everyone wanted and only few could get. What we need to do now is to take next practical invention and make it available only to those who do not smoke. That should be a thing that one would keep on him all the time. I would nominate a hyper-speed teleporting ring. That thing should have a smoke detector and a video camera in it. If one gets it, for him to smoke will be a crime...

Is It Realistic To Make A Smoke Detector For iPhone?

This week I spent in consideration about the implementation of massive smoke detection and smoke dose calculation. For the time being I think that the best way is to implant real small smoke detectors into iPhones and iPads. Why? Because we need something dear to people always connected to the Internet.

Among my scientific friends there are some nano-technology majors who claim being able to produce smoke detectors as small as I wish. They even share something about principles of automated detection of explosives. I do not think you need to know the details of how they do it, but it is basically the same idea I have for smoking.

They also told me about the greatest obstacle on the way of implementation of my smoke dosimeter idea. I will have to involve government and large companies and for this I will have to prove them two things: that first of all, it will save lives and will be useful to society and secondly, it will give them money or any other practical advantage.


How Smokers Cheat Social Security

Would you like to know how casino games work and how you can cheat to win a fortune in one night?

Social security is a big lottery where everyone pays and not everyone gets to use it, or at least not equally uses it. At least in my country, large part of social security pot goes to insuring everyone’s health. Now take two people who are very different in taking care of healthy habits. In particular, one is smoking and the other does not.

I simply cannot stand taking social money for mending health issues of those who ruin their health on purpose by indulging into excessive smoking and drinking.

Here a smoke dosimeter comes very handy to see if a particular smoker is crossing medical red lines. If one smokes more than so many hours a week on a regular basis, the price of his medical part of social donation should sky rocket or he should be left without coverage for smoke related medical treatment later when the damage becomes manifest.


Smoke Dosimeter

The more I consider about public health in relation to smoking, the more this idea comes to my mind: what if we make a smoke dosimeter in the same way it is made for radiation? We need to know how much people actually spend time in the cigarette smoke and how much they are getting sick with various diseases.

Using smoke dosimeters we can find out what kind of diseases are really smoke related and what kind of diseases can be treated with smoking on the other hand.

Moreover, we can compare health of people with the same smoking hours in case of active smoking and in case of second-hand smoking.

We can study also how harmful the cigarette smoke is to people of various ages, genders, professions, climates, etc…

In fact, we can ask computers to find any possible correlations and just watch the results. The only two things we need to provide are big numbers and correct description of each participant. Some countries or cities may use their entire population for gathering this data. Other places can offer a nice reward. The only thing we need to care for is for people to keep their smoking habits for a period of time.


Detecting Smoke Online In Real Time

I can believe that the time is coming when everyone will be online all the time. What will it be: an iPhone, a universal plastic card, an implant? Whatever it is it should also have a smoke detecting capability.

As soon as one of our sensors detects smoke in the air it must wake us up and instruct us to fight the fire as early as possible. It should also alarm the closest fire fighting unit according to GPS in case we are not capable of putting the fire off on our own.

The most interesting here is what resolution we will write about the incident! If a child got into a smoking zone, this should be considered a serious law violation. A child’s detector should also send signals both to his parents and the police. Parents should immediately react by calling or coming there. Police should record the alarm and investigate what happened, who is guilty, and what to do to prevent it in the future.

Everyone should be explained how important it is to save our wealth and our health. The whole society should agree to participate in stopping all unwanted smoke. Smoking in undesignated places will be a crime and spoiling minors must be punished severely.


Smoking At Home

Smokers should have a right to smoke where they live unless there are other people living there with them. It is good if smokers will have to get a notarized permission from all the occupants of their home to show that everyone feels good for them to smoke in certain rooms at any time.

People like me would feel to limit their relatives’ smoking by one room with obligation to perform air detoxification after each time they smoke there. Another good idea is to turn a red light bulb on in the next room for warning to me not to enter the smoke room while a smoker is using it.

Windows in smoke room must be shot while smoking is performed there for the sake of people outside and in the next rooms. All ventilation of smoke rooms should be done after the air there is cleansed from smoke and poisons.


Tobacco Free Kids

Did you know that more than 50 percent of children ages 3 through 11 had recent exposure to cigarette smoke? Why is this? Because children naturally trust their parents, but the smoking parents betray this naive trust.

You can ask me why second-hand smoke is not good especially for young children’s organism. In response I will Google it and give you the 3 top documents to read. 1. HARM TO KIDS FROM SECONDHAND SMOKE  2. Second Hand Smoke and Children 3. Health Effects Of Secondhand Smoke On Children

If by now you are not convinced to guard children from smoking, I have nothing more to tell you. I appeal only to sober parents and citizens to take action for changing the smoking laws today.

I do not even care for you yourself to stop smoking if you are not ready to that. Keep smoking if you wish, but keep all of our children smoke free, completely tobacco free. Use smoking rooms, smoking booths, smoking rebreathers … and cleanse the air right after you are done.

What is needed is not a halfway campaign, but creating and reinforcing a new culture of minimal harm smoking. Only active voluntary smokers should suffer from smoking.


Which Cigarettes Your Baby Likes The Best?

Most smokers are buying their cigarettes because of their taste and price. The price factor for babies is irrelevant and the only consideration babies would have is how the smoke tastes.

I saw some parents smoking while strolling. It looks horrible! I wish to ask them this one question: Which Cigarettes Your Baby Likes The Best? to awaken their conscience and help them realize that they are raising a little smoker with his own taste for cigarettes.

Now they have a baby, but in five years this baby will step into the school system and come out of any control. This little organism already has a smoking habit and knows which cigarettes are good.

Second-hand smoker is a smoker. An addicted first grader will find his cigarette because he needs it and a week law of not selling cigarettes to minors will not stop him. What will stop him? His parents right now should stop smoking in his presence that he would completely forget the taste of smoke.

I am so happy that in my local shopping mall the smoking room is next to the play room and smoking parents can leave their children for five minutes to have their cigarette and come back. Hope this will become a universal pattern.


Protection For Smokers’ Children

When I see someone with a stroller and a cigarette my heat cries to help those poor children doomed to suffer from regular second-hand smoking with their parents.

Some smokers argue that smoking is not a bad thing because it is not forbidden by law. Then I am asking why it is written on cigarettes that smoking is harmful and killing? Why it is forbidden to sell cigarettes to minors? Why they do not teach that wonderful skill to their children?

There are parents who care only of themselves. They actually do make their babies regular second-hand smokers. A new smoking law should go against this. I wish even privately raise money to print a free T-shirt saying: Yes, I do smoke, BUT not my children!


Window Smoking

It appears polite and caring when someone smokes into his window. He does not want his apartment smell too much and his relatives suffer too much. Yes, BUT! There are 3 families living on the ground floor right below me and all of them have that one habit to step out to smoke or smoke into their window. Guess where that smoke goes from there…

In the climate I live in you have to have your windows open most of the time if not all the time. If in the summer all of the windows are open, the place is quite livable. Sometimes you can feel a nice breeze from one window to another, but not every time it is pleasant and you already know why! Smoke comes without any prior warning…

Why do I need to stop everything I am doing and go around the house finding the smoking window? Why while a smoker enjoys fresh outside air do I need to sit in a smoked room or with windows closed in the heat (or both if I did not react immediately)? Why do I need to wait till that smoker/those smokers are done to reopen my windows? Why my small children need to be poisoned due to their inability to close the window in the children’s room?

There should be a law to smoke with windows closed and opening the windows only after neutralization of the inner smoke with its poison.


Smoking Consensus

“i totally agree even tho iam a smokermyself”

This is a reply from one of my Twitter followers. This is a reply that we all need to voice to change the current wild situation with smoking and second-hand smoking. We just have no time to dream about all people stopping their smoking habit. All sober people should rise up to save innocent lives right now, especially lives of our children.

I want to thank all of my followers who retweeted my little thoughts and feelings in hope other ones can hear that. My hope they themselves will also will voice their feelings on the page I have prepared for this.


A Smoking Human Or A Dragon?

How to understand who is a dragon? Very simple: dragons exhale smoke and fire all the time. Dragons have such a smoking nature and it is useless to ask a dragon not to smoke in a certain place.

What helps to dragons not to smoke is not a negotiation, but hunting. Whenever a new law comes into action, some are not happy with it and they are not going to abide according to it unless there is force behind this law. Some smokers are willing not to smoke only in gas stations. What to do?

There are two ways to make it work for dragons. Police can start paying close attention to smoking. On the other hand public efforts can be even more effective. For example, smoking can be considered as a wild fire and fire extinguishers can be used by anyone to stop it.

Dragons should realize that humans are able to stand for themselves. We do not have to be cavemen. Instead they will have to go to their kennels!


Are You A Caveman? Stop It!

Let me tell you something about the UK smoking law. It forbids smoking indoors. To open a smoking room in an airport there is just illegal. All smoking should be done outside.

What does it mean for non-smokers? Anyone who does not want to be a second-hand smoker should sit in his cave most of his life. Every time he wants to eat he holds his breath, steps outside to hunt something down, and quickly drags it back into his cave.

This situation is not fair at all. The smoking law in the UK needs to be reversed to forbid smoking outside and to let building smoking booths and smoking rooms with the rest of indoor territory still free from smoking.

No one has to put up with second-hand smoking. If you are British, go bother your parliament to change the law ASAP.


Smoking Room As A Sign Of Mutual Respect

Smokers and non-smokers are able to live together in peace if the law will take care of each party’s interest with equal respect. Non-smokers will be happy to forget about tobacco smoke and smokers will be happy to be able to smoke at any time. Smoking rooms are a practical solution already implemented in a limited way today.

If we want to forbid public smoking, smokers will not be happy unless they are provided with a nice alternative way to smoke apart from non-smokers. There should be many smoking rooms everywhere. Ideally smokers should be able to feel no lack while spending their entire life in smoking rooms.


Smoking With A Personal Filter

For some smokers it can be more pleasant to smoke by themselves without going to a smoking booth. It can be a personality issue or trying to get only the smoke of their favorite taste. In those cases smoker should take care of his smoke the same way dog owners should take care of their dog’s poo.

How can a personal filter look like? Like a gas mask. Usual gas mask is taking air from outside and filters it out to make it good for breathing, but this gas mask should do the opposite also – filter the air coming out not to let the smoke poisons out.

In fact, there are some gas masks working not by the principle of filtering, but by the principle of isolating and restoring the air. I saw it in the navy. You can also see it with firefighters. This kind of gas mask is called rebreather. My idea is to add a smoke cartridge for starting to smoke and degasation cartridge for cleaning the air inside before taking it off.


Smoking Air Pollution – Filter The Smoke

Air pollution is the introduction of chemicals, particulate matter, or biological materials that cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms, or cause damage to the natural environment or built environment, into the atmosphere. Everyone is aware of factories pumping smoke into the air, but have anyone considered the personal cigarette smoke we ourselves responsible for?

Numerous studies were conducted about diseases caused by smoking. To make smoking “healthier” cigarettes are made with a filter. What if we go on with this filter idea and make a cigarette with such a filter that does not let the smoke out to the atmosphere? If it is not possible to make such filters for individual cigarettes, we can surely equip smoking booths with the best possible solution.

When we check statistics of getting sick with lung cancer and other similar things we see that non-smokers have a lower percentage than regular smokers. I wonder it by stopping smoking air pollution we can lower statistics close to zero. What do you think?


Smoking While Riding A Bike

Not often you can see one riding a bike with a cigarette in his mouth. Yesterday I spotted such one, which brings me back to my former idea of deep smoking. Those who want to smoke their tobacco really hard should try physical exercises while smoking.

What if there will be some sport equipment in a smoking booth? Drop a coin into a bike machine and your smoking is taken to a higher level!


Smoking Harassment

In one of recent responses on Twitter my new follower said that he does not want to have any smoking laws because it will lead to harassment. Instead he suggested to me to get into another hot subject called emission. I hope to make him happy by considering lowering emission of nicotine and other poisons in tobacco smoke.

What is the harassment he is worrying about? He does not like it when I ask him not to smoke next to my baby. Is that all? Or else I can be more aggressive asking if he is sure he wants to try smoking next to my baby. This implies a possible action on my part. At this point I wish to ask what action is appropriate when somebody is sending a harmful substance right into your lungs and the poison is absorbed to reach your brain in ten seconds? Is that harassment, nuisance, pestering, annoyance, stalking, irritation, aggravation, or persecution?

Smokers want harassment to be only one way. The time has come to stop it. The times of slavery are over. The times of open-air nuclear explosions are over. The time of wild smoking harassment is coming to the end. We are all responsible for the laws we have in our countries. Rise up today!


Smoking Upside Down

Smoking is stuffing one’s lungs with smoke. Why there is a habit to smoke outdoors where most of the smoke cannot be reused? There should be some smoking booths made 5 to 10 minutes walk from each other for smokers to have fun whenever they wish.

I just looked at some samples of such little houses for sale. They can render a good service both for active smokers and volunteer second-hand smokers alike. Poor smokers will surely drop in to get smoked for free. This is truly a smoking revolution, smoking upside down.


Tolerance to Smoking

One of my followers mentioned that he also was a smoker and knows that many of them want to quit. And at that time this word “tolerance” came out. Here I wish to clarify about tolerance to smoking and to smokers.

There are testimonies of conversion of heavy smokers into total non-smokers in a matter of days. We should always have hope for the best. It can be a result of a chemical treatment or of a religious turn in one’s life. Those routes are the best to take, because it provides the best feeling. Until it happens, one should have the freedom to smoke without harming others.

At the same time there needs to be a zero tolerance to smoke outside of the designated smoking places. The law should protect us from any undesired smoke and the law must have teeth. There should be an effective mechanism of stopping ruthless smokers from forcing others into second-hand smoke. In such cases tolerance is not a good helper.


To Ban or Not To Ban Smoking?

To ban smoking now is not a realistic goal. I will agree to ban smoking only after every smoker will honestly agree from his heart to such a ban on smoking.

This is true that smoking is a barbarian atavism that harms other people, but quitting smoking should be a voluntary act for each individual. Before that happens we can and should make smoking less harmful by introducing a new smoking culture.

Do I have an analogy to a new smoking culture? WC is known almost to everyone on the Earth. During the 1800s, people realized that poor sanitary conditions caused diseases. Having toilets and sewer systems that could control human waste became a priority to lawmakers, medical experts, inventors, and the general public.

In other words, do what you want to do, but the way you do it can be better than it is now. Today is the day for the public to rise up and make smoking laws and infrastructure a priority to save the planet from second-hand smoking.


Why Smoking?

In the last couple of days I was asked number of times why am I getting into smoking when there are so many other issues around? Here is my answer. Actually, I will give you some variants of my answer.

Are you bothered with my writing about smoking? This is good for you and for society in general, because this is a sign that my cry does not fall on deaf ears. My writing is for creating awareness of a big problem, which is generally neglected.

Is it a problem for you that you can only read here about smoking? For me this is not a problem at all. I have selected this particular item to consider in a way of separation from all the other issues. In fact, there are other things besides smoking that bother me, but there are other platforms I use whenever I wish to say something about them.

Why am I not getting into drinking, ozone, unhealthy foods …? Sorry, but I am a living person, who has strong feelings and words for something that should be dealt with, but overlooked by those in power. I am happy to invest my spare time into this. And I can only do so much.


Decontamination or Quarantine? - What Is Better for Smokers?

If you ever use public transportation, you have an idea what smokers do before entering the buss, the train, etc. They smoke their last and throw their cigarette down. They have to do that because of the law of no smoking in the public transportation. In fact, this law does not save us altogether. When smokers come in, they exhale the last portion of smoke and fill the whole buss with its “fragrance”.

That law of no smoking in public places should institute a process of decontamination or a period of quarantine to make smokers relatively safe for society.


Smoking In Public Places - Redefine Public Places

Our modern smoking law speaks about forbidding to smoke in public places, but a public place needs to be well defined in order for this law to work right. Anywhere, but a private property place should be considered as a public place. In other words, a public place should be defined as any place that does not require one to have consent of the owner to enter in.

For example, I want to enter your home. I need you to let me in. You as the owner want to smoke at home and I will have to agree to it if I wish to stay there. Or you may run a smoking club or a cafe for smokers. You can set in your rules how I should behave, and I most likely will not enter in if I have to smoke there or have a second-hand smoke.

Another example is a private institution for general public like a hospital, in which you allocate smoking spots separated from general public areas. If this is not done, the private institution should be called as a hospital for smokers or a smoking hospital.

Other than those private homes and private smoking institutions, all the rest of places are public and should be free from smoking to be easily accessible to non-smokers. Smoking in a park or on the street should be forbidden, because non-smokers also want to sit in that park or walk on that street. Smoking by the door while waiting for your children is not right, because others are there also waiting for their children.


Smokers Are Spamers And Rapers

In modern society unwanted mail is unacceptable and unwanted smoke should not be tolerated either. Why is it that staffing my mailbox with commercial proposals (which may benefit me) is a crime, but smoking into my windows (that surely harms me) is a sign of freedom?

Raping strangers on the street was all right in Sodom. Today it is a crime. Wild West was more or less transformed into a nice society. Nevertheless, there are still laws to be changed. Wild outside smoking is a vivid example to this. Why someone out there has such a freedom to rape my lungs?


Smoking Bubbles

Look at what I just found on the subject of secondhand smoking. What do you think about secondhand smoking being worse? I have never known how many poisons I am getting while strolling outside! 200 poisons at once are way too much for a little fellow like me. When I see some strolling-smoking with their babies, I want to cry.

I really think that we need a smoking revolution starting with small potatoes like me and going up to politicians, and then to courts. If you feel the same, join me on Twitter and Facebook now.


Olympic Tobacco Test

I wonder why so many people are regular smokers. Prove me that it is useful and contributes anything positive to our lives! The way I suggest is to use coming Olympic Games to name those participants who smoke or use tobacco products in any other way. I am sure that there should be a way to find such statistics, but I do not know how. May be you can help?

It may turn around that half of the best sportsmen of the planet enjoy smoking. If so, we would say that there is no correlation between smoking and results. Or maybe there is no one smoking there. Then it will mean that smoking damages our performance.

We will be also able to find out what kind of activity smoking is good for. Somewhere I heard that smoking helps people to think better. If this is so, I suggest checking the best chess players out. What do you think?


Help Cancer Research UK to stub out tobacco marketing to children

I want everyone to read the letter I got on Facebook and see if you want to help:
As a cervical cancer survivor I’m urging everyone to back Cancer Research UK’s latest campaign -The answer is plain.

It calls for all branding to be removed from tobacco packaging, to discourage children from starting to smoke.

Though my cancer wasn’t caused by smoking, I want to do everything I can to protect young people from the frightening experience I have been through.
Glitzy packets are one of the last ways the tobacco industry can still market its lethal products and research shows that the striking logos and distinctive designs make cigarettes more appealing to children.

So as the Government consults on whether to put all tobacco in standardised ‘plain’ packs of uniform size, shape and design, I’m asking people to show their support for this vital measure by signing The answer is plain petition.

This is not about ‘the nanny state’ and it’s not about curbing the freedoms of adult smokers. It’s about giving children one less reason to take up a deadly and addictive habit which kills half of all its long term users.

The big tobacco companies are doing everything they can to stop this – but we’ve got to stand up to them and protect our children.

You can help Cancer Research UK to stub out tobacco marketing to children by signing the petition at


Tobacco Cancer Gift

Tobacco industry does not like to lose sales. It even pays to fund scientific studies of second-hand smoking in order to prove to the public that it is not harmful to non-smokers. And here I do not understand something. Tobacco smoke is harmful to smokers. And how can it be not harmful to me when I inhale it?

It is interesting that chocolate is also considered harmful. People blame chocolate for their rotten teeth and extra weight. Scientists again have their opinions on the subject. But when I smell chocolate, it does not affect me a bit. Is it possible tobacco industry to change from burning tobacco to tobacco bars? In this way tobacco lovers will have their cancer, but I will have no cancer gift from them.


Army Smoking Law

When I was young and strong I had a privilege to serve in one of the greatest armies of the world. There were laws regulating eating and smoking. Those two things were permitted only in certain allocated places and according to a schedule or by permission. It was always forbidden while you are walking. You had to stop by the right place.

In our daily life we cannot expect everyone to keep a schedule, but at work this is kind of expected. It is healthy to make regular breaks for a stretch, for coffee, or for smoking.

Allocated places are great all the time. They should be set away from other people. Not in the playgrounds! They should be comfortable and keep a maximum distance so small that any smoker would find a smoking place easily in five minutes or so.


30 Years Ago

One smoker said that 30 years ago I could not open my mouth against smoking. In fact at that time my mother divorced my dad for a number of reasons, one of which was smoking all the time inside the house. Since then I have decided not to be like my father in his smoking and drinking habits.

I really do not want to go back in time to the Stone Age. On the contrary, there is a step forward that we have to do to change the age from wild smoking to a happy universe where smokers and not smokers can take care of each other’s feelings.

Until now, when I cross the street and stop in the middle to wait for the green light, I have to smell their smoke in. Why not make them a smoke-cross-way? Why their smoke is on both sides of the street? Why not have a smoking- and an smoking- sides?

Too much? May be too much and may be too little. But there should be a way to provide equal rights to both smokers and unsmokers.


Is Passive Smoking OK?

Did you know that if you are not a smoker, you may still be a smoker? People who do not smoke, but inhale the smoke in from others, are called passive smokers. Here is an article about passive smoking  . How do you like it? I never like situations where I have to inhale cigarette smoke. My children like to swing, but sometimes a smoker is sitting there and standing on his rights to smoke outside. Should that right be taken from him? If so, what should be left to him to smoke safely?


Human Rights - Legal Way To Smoke

Covering the problem of smoking from all sides is necessary in a democratic society because we want to guard human rights of both those who smoke and those who decided not to smoke. In some countries to forbid something is as easy as to get a directive of the leading (the only) political party. In other countries changing smoking laws may require impeachments, referendums, and other complicated procedures.

This smoking from all sides project is preparing a basic ground work for all kinds of democratic procedures. We do not want to just forbid smoking in general. We want to find a proper place for smoking in the mother society. When someone needs food, he needs to know legal ways to get food instead of robbing others. The same way, there should be a legal way to smoke without harming others.


Why am I doing this?

This is going to be a personal blog about smoking from all sides as an endeavor to change global smoking habits using two ways of first of all educating common people and following that changing the laws through politicians.

Why am I doing this? I wish to present a full and balanced view on smoking from all sides. Based on such a presentation I can gather a corporate opinion which can be useful for political leaders and parties to prepare drafts for the new laws our countries need.

Do you still want to know why I am spending my time on this smoking from all sides project? I was strongly motivated by one arrogant fellow smoking into my children’s face last night. He had the right to damage our health. This project’s purpose is to make a change in his rights.