
Tobacco Free Kids

Did you know that more than 50 percent of children ages 3 through 11 had recent exposure to cigarette smoke? Why is this? Because children naturally trust their parents, but the smoking parents betray this naive trust.

You can ask me why second-hand smoke is not good especially for young children’s organism. In response I will Google it and give you the 3 top documents to read. 1. HARM TO KIDS FROM SECONDHAND SMOKE  2. Second Hand Smoke and Children 3. Health Effects Of Secondhand Smoke On Children

If by now you are not convinced to guard children from smoking, I have nothing more to tell you. I appeal only to sober parents and citizens to take action for changing the smoking laws today.

I do not even care for you yourself to stop smoking if you are not ready to that. Keep smoking if you wish, but keep all of our children smoke free, completely tobacco free. Use smoking rooms, smoking booths, smoking rebreathers … and cleanse the air right after you are done.

What is needed is not a halfway campaign, but creating and reinforcing a new culture of minimal harm smoking. Only active voluntary smokers should suffer from smoking.

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