
A Smoking Human Or A Dragon?

How to understand who is a dragon? Very simple: dragons exhale smoke and fire all the time. Dragons have such a smoking nature and it is useless to ask a dragon not to smoke in a certain place.

What helps to dragons not to smoke is not a negotiation, but hunting. Whenever a new law comes into action, some are not happy with it and they are not going to abide according to it unless there is force behind this law. Some smokers are willing not to smoke only in gas stations. What to do?

There are two ways to make it work for dragons. Police can start paying close attention to smoking. On the other hand public efforts can be even more effective. For example, smoking can be considered as a wild fire and fire extinguishers can be used by anyone to stop it.

Dragons should realize that humans are able to stand for themselves. We do not have to be cavemen. Instead they will have to go to their kennels!

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