
Smoking In Public Places - Redefine Public Places

Our modern smoking law speaks about forbidding to smoke in public places, but a public place needs to be well defined in order for this law to work right. Anywhere, but a private property place should be considered as a public place. In other words, a public place should be defined as any place that does not require one to have consent of the owner to enter in.

For example, I want to enter your home. I need you to let me in. You as the owner want to smoke at home and I will have to agree to it if I wish to stay there. Or you may run a smoking club or a cafe for smokers. You can set in your rules how I should behave, and I most likely will not enter in if I have to smoke there or have a second-hand smoke.

Another example is a private institution for general public like a hospital, in which you allocate smoking spots separated from general public areas. If this is not done, the private institution should be called as a hospital for smokers or a smoking hospital.

Other than those private homes and private smoking institutions, all the rest of places are public and should be free from smoking to be easily accessible to non-smokers. Smoking in a park or on the street should be forbidden, because non-smokers also want to sit in that park or walk on that street. Smoking by the door while waiting for your children is not right, because others are there also waiting for their children.

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