
Smoking Harassment

In one of recent responses on Twitter my new follower said that he does not want to have any smoking laws because it will lead to harassment. Instead he suggested to me to get into another hot subject called emission. I hope to make him happy by considering lowering emission of nicotine and other poisons in tobacco smoke.

What is the harassment he is worrying about? He does not like it when I ask him not to smoke next to my baby. Is that all? Or else I can be more aggressive asking if he is sure he wants to try smoking next to my baby. This implies a possible action on my part. At this point I wish to ask what action is appropriate when somebody is sending a harmful substance right into your lungs and the poison is absorbed to reach your brain in ten seconds? Is that harassment, nuisance, pestering, annoyance, stalking, irritation, aggravation, or persecution?

Smokers want harassment to be only one way. The time has come to stop it. The times of slavery are over. The times of open-air nuclear explosions are over. The time of wild smoking harassment is coming to the end. We are all responsible for the laws we have in our countries. Rise up today!

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