
Help Cancer Research UK to stub out tobacco marketing to children

I want everyone to read the letter I got on Facebook and see if you want to help:
As a cervical cancer survivor I’m urging everyone to back Cancer Research UK’s latest campaign -The answer is plain.

It calls for all branding to be removed from tobacco packaging, to discourage children from starting to smoke.

Though my cancer wasn’t caused by smoking, I want to do everything I can to protect young people from the frightening experience I have been through.
Glitzy packets are one of the last ways the tobacco industry can still market its lethal products and research shows that the striking logos and distinctive designs make cigarettes more appealing to children.

So as the Government consults on whether to put all tobacco in standardised ‘plain’ packs of uniform size, shape and design, I’m asking people to show their support for this vital measure by signing The answer is plain petition.

This is not about ‘the nanny state’ and it’s not about curbing the freedoms of adult smokers. It’s about giving children one less reason to take up a deadly and addictive habit which kills half of all its long term users.

The big tobacco companies are doing everything they can to stop this – but we’ve got to stand up to them and protect our children.

You can help Cancer Research UK to stub out tobacco marketing to children by signing the petition at

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