
Olympic Tobacco Test

I wonder why so many people are regular smokers. Prove me that it is useful and contributes anything positive to our lives! The way I suggest is to use coming Olympic Games to name those participants who smoke or use tobacco products in any other way. I am sure that there should be a way to find such statistics, but I do not know how. May be you can help?

It may turn around that half of the best sportsmen of the planet enjoy smoking. If so, we would say that there is no correlation between smoking and results. Or maybe there is no one smoking there. Then it will mean that smoking damages our performance.

We will be also able to find out what kind of activity smoking is good for. Somewhere I heard that smoking helps people to think better. If this is so, I suggest checking the best chess players out. What do you think?


Help Cancer Research UK to stub out tobacco marketing to children

I want everyone to read the letter I got on Facebook and see if you want to help:
As a cervical cancer survivor I’m urging everyone to back Cancer Research UK’s latest campaign -The answer is plain.

It calls for all branding to be removed from tobacco packaging, to discourage children from starting to smoke.

Though my cancer wasn’t caused by smoking, I want to do everything I can to protect young people from the frightening experience I have been through.
Glitzy packets are one of the last ways the tobacco industry can still market its lethal products and research shows that the striking logos and distinctive designs make cigarettes more appealing to children.

So as the Government consults on whether to put all tobacco in standardised ‘plain’ packs of uniform size, shape and design, I’m asking people to show their support for this vital measure by signing The answer is plain petition.

This is not about ‘the nanny state’ and it’s not about curbing the freedoms of adult smokers. It’s about giving children one less reason to take up a deadly and addictive habit which kills half of all its long term users.

The big tobacco companies are doing everything they can to stop this – but we’ve got to stand up to them and protect our children.

You can help Cancer Research UK to stub out tobacco marketing to children by signing the petition at


Tobacco Cancer Gift

Tobacco industry does not like to lose sales. It even pays to fund scientific studies of second-hand smoking in order to prove to the public that it is not harmful to non-smokers. And here I do not understand something. Tobacco smoke is harmful to smokers. And how can it be not harmful to me when I inhale it?

It is interesting that chocolate is also considered harmful. People blame chocolate for their rotten teeth and extra weight. Scientists again have their opinions on the subject. But when I smell chocolate, it does not affect me a bit. Is it possible tobacco industry to change from burning tobacco to tobacco bars? In this way tobacco lovers will have their cancer, but I will have no cancer gift from them.


Army Smoking Law

When I was young and strong I had a privilege to serve in one of the greatest armies of the world. There were laws regulating eating and smoking. Those two things were permitted only in certain allocated places and according to a schedule or by permission. It was always forbidden while you are walking. You had to stop by the right place.

In our daily life we cannot expect everyone to keep a schedule, but at work this is kind of expected. It is healthy to make regular breaks for a stretch, for coffee, or for smoking.

Allocated places are great all the time. They should be set away from other people. Not in the playgrounds! They should be comfortable and keep a maximum distance so small that any smoker would find a smoking place easily in five minutes or so.


30 Years Ago

One smoker said that 30 years ago I could not open my mouth against smoking. In fact at that time my mother divorced my dad for a number of reasons, one of which was smoking all the time inside the house. Since then I have decided not to be like my father in his smoking and drinking habits.

I really do not want to go back in time to the Stone Age. On the contrary, there is a step forward that we have to do to change the age from wild smoking to a happy universe where smokers and not smokers can take care of each other’s feelings.

Until now, when I cross the street and stop in the middle to wait for the green light, I have to smell their smoke in. Why not make them a smoke-cross-way? Why their smoke is on both sides of the street? Why not have a smoking- and an smoking- sides?

Too much? May be too much and may be too little. But there should be a way to provide equal rights to both smokers and unsmokers.


Is Passive Smoking OK?

Did you know that if you are not a smoker, you may still be a smoker? People who do not smoke, but inhale the smoke in from others, are called passive smokers. Here is an article about passive smoking  . How do you like it? I never like situations where I have to inhale cigarette smoke. My children like to swing, but sometimes a smoker is sitting there and standing on his rights to smoke outside. Should that right be taken from him? If so, what should be left to him to smoke safely?


Human Rights - Legal Way To Smoke

Covering the problem of smoking from all sides is necessary in a democratic society because we want to guard human rights of both those who smoke and those who decided not to smoke. In some countries to forbid something is as easy as to get a directive of the leading (the only) political party. In other countries changing smoking laws may require impeachments, referendums, and other complicated procedures.

This smoking from all sides project is preparing a basic ground work for all kinds of democratic procedures. We do not want to just forbid smoking in general. We want to find a proper place for smoking in the mother society. When someone needs food, he needs to know legal ways to get food instead of robbing others. The same way, there should be a legal way to smoke without harming others.


Why am I doing this?

This is going to be a personal blog about smoking from all sides as an endeavor to change global smoking habits using two ways of first of all educating common people and following that changing the laws through politicians.

Why am I doing this? I wish to present a full and balanced view on smoking from all sides. Based on such a presentation I can gather a corporate opinion which can be useful for political leaders and parties to prepare drafts for the new laws our countries need.

Do you still want to know why I am spending my time on this smoking from all sides project? I was strongly motivated by one arrogant fellow smoking into my children’s face last night. He had the right to damage our health. This project’s purpose is to make a change in his rights.