
How Can We Nicely Help Most People Drop Smoking?

Let me first state human right for having bad habits. My main idea was to make non-smokers happy and at the same time make a good way for smokers keep their habit. Let us go on to consider how we can help those smokers who want to drop smoking and also how is it possible to cause most smokers want to drop smoking.

This fact that smoking habit is purely chemical is known by most medical doctors. There are simple ways to regain the normal level of acid-base balance. If we can produce a very cheap medication and give it to everyone who agrees to take it, then our only task will be to convince people to go ahead.

By the way, do you know what an iPad is? Do you remember how it was first marketed? That was something everyone wanted and only few could get. What we need to do now is to take next practical invention and make it available only to those who do not smoke. That should be a thing that one would keep on him all the time. I would nominate a hyper-speed teleporting ring. That thing should have a smoke detector and a video camera in it. If one gets it, for him to smoke will be a crime...

Is It Realistic To Make A Smoke Detector For iPhone?

This week I spent in consideration about the implementation of massive smoke detection and smoke dose calculation. For the time being I think that the best way is to implant real small smoke detectors into iPhones and iPads. Why? Because we need something dear to people always connected to the Internet.

Among my scientific friends there are some nano-technology majors who claim being able to produce smoke detectors as small as I wish. They even share something about principles of automated detection of explosives. I do not think you need to know the details of how they do it, but it is basically the same idea I have for smoking.

They also told me about the greatest obstacle on the way of implementation of my smoke dosimeter idea. I will have to involve government and large companies and for this I will have to prove them two things: that first of all, it will save lives and will be useful to society and secondly, it will give them money or any other practical advantage.


How Smokers Cheat Social Security

Would you like to know how casino games work and how you can cheat to win a fortune in one night?

Social security is a big lottery where everyone pays and not everyone gets to use it, or at least not equally uses it. At least in my country, large part of social security pot goes to insuring everyone’s health. Now take two people who are very different in taking care of healthy habits. In particular, one is smoking and the other does not.

I simply cannot stand taking social money for mending health issues of those who ruin their health on purpose by indulging into excessive smoking and drinking.

Here a smoke dosimeter comes very handy to see if a particular smoker is crossing medical red lines. If one smokes more than so many hours a week on a regular basis, the price of his medical part of social donation should sky rocket or he should be left without coverage for smoke related medical treatment later when the damage becomes manifest.


Smoke Dosimeter

The more I consider about public health in relation to smoking, the more this idea comes to my mind: what if we make a smoke dosimeter in the same way it is made for radiation? We need to know how much people actually spend time in the cigarette smoke and how much they are getting sick with various diseases.

Using smoke dosimeters we can find out what kind of diseases are really smoke related and what kind of diseases can be treated with smoking on the other hand.

Moreover, we can compare health of people with the same smoking hours in case of active smoking and in case of second-hand smoking.

We can study also how harmful the cigarette smoke is to people of various ages, genders, professions, climates, etc…

In fact, we can ask computers to find any possible correlations and just watch the results. The only two things we need to provide are big numbers and correct description of each participant. Some countries or cities may use their entire population for gathering this data. Other places can offer a nice reward. The only thing we need to care for is for people to keep their smoking habits for a period of time.


Detecting Smoke Online In Real Time

I can believe that the time is coming when everyone will be online all the time. What will it be: an iPhone, a universal plastic card, an implant? Whatever it is it should also have a smoke detecting capability.

As soon as one of our sensors detects smoke in the air it must wake us up and instruct us to fight the fire as early as possible. It should also alarm the closest fire fighting unit according to GPS in case we are not capable of putting the fire off on our own.

The most interesting here is what resolution we will write about the incident! If a child got into a smoking zone, this should be considered a serious law violation. A child’s detector should also send signals both to his parents and the police. Parents should immediately react by calling or coming there. Police should record the alarm and investigate what happened, who is guilty, and what to do to prevent it in the future.

Everyone should be explained how important it is to save our wealth and our health. The whole society should agree to participate in stopping all unwanted smoke. Smoking in undesignated places will be a crime and spoiling minors must be punished severely.


Smoking At Home

Smokers should have a right to smoke where they live unless there are other people living there with them. It is good if smokers will have to get a notarized permission from all the occupants of their home to show that everyone feels good for them to smoke in certain rooms at any time.

People like me would feel to limit their relatives’ smoking by one room with obligation to perform air detoxification after each time they smoke there. Another good idea is to turn a red light bulb on in the next room for warning to me not to enter the smoke room while a smoker is using it.

Windows in smoke room must be shot while smoking is performed there for the sake of people outside and in the next rooms. All ventilation of smoke rooms should be done after the air there is cleansed from smoke and poisons.


Tobacco Free Kids

Did you know that more than 50 percent of children ages 3 through 11 had recent exposure to cigarette smoke? Why is this? Because children naturally trust their parents, but the smoking parents betray this naive trust.

You can ask me why second-hand smoke is not good especially for young children’s organism. In response I will Google it and give you the 3 top documents to read. 1. HARM TO KIDS FROM SECONDHAND SMOKE  2. Second Hand Smoke and Children 3. Health Effects Of Secondhand Smoke On Children

If by now you are not convinced to guard children from smoking, I have nothing more to tell you. I appeal only to sober parents and citizens to take action for changing the smoking laws today.

I do not even care for you yourself to stop smoking if you are not ready to that. Keep smoking if you wish, but keep all of our children smoke free, completely tobacco free. Use smoking rooms, smoking booths, smoking rebreathers … and cleanse the air right after you are done.

What is needed is not a halfway campaign, but creating and reinforcing a new culture of minimal harm smoking. Only active voluntary smokers should suffer from smoking.